
非常歡迎您光臨「Yummy Kitchen」(以下簡稱本網站),為了讓您能夠安心使用本網站的各項服務與資訊,特此向您說明本網站的一般政策,以保障您的權益,請您詳閱下列內容:

「Yummy Kitchen Company Limited」holds the copyright in this website www.yummykitchen.com.hk. Any unauthorized use of the website’s contents, materials and photos will be subjected to a lawsuit.

線上訂購- 首頁 → 產品選購 → 加入購物車 → 結帳,即可完成線上訂購。

All collected information from customers would not be sold to a third party and would be kept confidential.


All food pictures are for reference only, which cannot be perceived as the actual standard.


All food will be packaged in aluminum foil plate.


The Company has the right to change and/or cancel any of the food menu without giving any advance notice.


The Company has the right to change prices on the food menu without giving any advance notice.


The Company has the right to change any of the services fees, which include waiter service, food warmers, table decorations, delivery service, garbage disposal service and other services, without giving any advance notice.


It is the customer’s responsibility to provide a proper site to hold the catering event. Our Company is not liable to any damage that may occur during the catering event whatsoever.


It is the customer’s responsible to move any of the necessary furniture, including tables and chairs, to the catering site. Our Company’s waiter service is not responsible to move any of those.


The customer is liable if any of our Company’s provided equipment and other material that is deliberately damaged.


Garbage disposal service is limited to the wastage due to our catering service only. Disposal of another wastage and on-site cleaning are not included in our service.


Catering event site should have elevator service provided, otherwise labor delivery upstairs and/or downstairs would incur an extra delivery labor fee.
